Refreshing Server-Side Props

In a Next.js application I'm working on, I have an "admin" page, which lets me manage registered users:

Before You memo()

There are many articles written about React performance optimizations. In general, if some state update is slow, you need to:

Demystifying styled-components

When I first started using styled-components, it seemed like magic ✨.

The Testing Trophy and Testing Classifications

How to interpret the testing trophy for optimal clarity

Building a Magical 3D Button

I had a neat realization recently: Buttons are the “killer feature” of the web.

How to use React Context effectively

In Application State Management with React, I talk about how using a mix of local state and React Context can help you manage state well in any React application. I showed some examples and I want to call out a few things about those examples and how you can create React context consumers effectively so you avoid some problems and improve the developer experience and maintainability of the context objects you create for your application and/or libraries.

Como renomear vários arquivos de uma vez usando o terminal

Suponha que seu projeto tenha uma base de código com 150 arquivos JavaScript e você precisar migrar para TypeScript alterando as extensões dos arquivos. 🤔

The Importance of Learning CSS

As JavaScript developers, the sheer amount of stuff we're expected to know is enormous, and it grows bigger every day.

The Plan for React 18

The React team is excited to share a few updates:

Mapas com React usando Leaflet

Neste post vamos desenvolver uma página web para demonstrar, na prática, a integração de Mapas em uma aplicação com React usando Leaflet.